First Name
Last Name
Do you have an existing mindfulness practice? Please detail below.
What is your past experience with meditation? No experience is required.
How do you feel about routine? Do you crave or resist it?
How do you feel about specific assignments? Do you like to have exercises to complete (homework) to take the work deeper?
When digesting information, do you prefer to read or listen?
Do you tend to do your best thinking/processing when you are still and seated, or active and moving?
When adopting a new behaviour, do you tend to stick with it, stick with it for a time and then drop it, or not even really adopt it in the first place?
Are you skeptical as to whether mindfulness will be helpful for you? Why? It's okay to be honest here.
Do you find it difficult to "quiet your mind"? How does this affect your work and personal life?
What are your main goals in learning about mindfulness?
If you could press a button and release 5 things from your life right now, what would they be? (these could be individual tasks, feelings, or whatever you like)
What is the emotional state that you currently struggle with the most? This may be: Overwhelm, dread, anxiety, anger, etc.
On average, how much time do you have each day to devote to your mindfulness practice?
Less than 10 minutes
10 to 20 minutes
20 minutes to 45 minutes
I don't know
What is the most important thing you'd like to accomplish in working with Kyra?
Do you prefer to conduct your sessions via Zoom or Telephone?
Zoom / Video
Phone / Audio