The Future is Freelance

A 4-week online course designed to deliver all the facts you need (and none of the fluff) to build and grow a thriving freelance writing business from the ground up.

You deserve to be living the life of your dreams.

And let’s face it: A huge part of that DREAM LIFE is your DREAM JOB. But dreams can be complicated, right? Especially for those of us who dream of working in a creative role.

I decided that I wanted to be a writer when I was 8-years-old. And as is the case for most of us who feel called to write, hoards of people who “cared about me” tried to talk me out of it for many years. But something inside of me simply couldn’t give it up. So I kept going.

As of today, I’ve been proving those folks wrong for 15 years. I’m a Copywriter, which means that I write for the advertising and marketing industry. For the last several years I’ve worked strictly freelance, making tons of money from the comfort of my home. It’s enabled me to be with my daughter while also pursuing a meaningful and fulfilling career that’s in alignment with my life purpose.

I mean- that’s pretty awesome. Amiright?

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Hi, my name is Kyra.

I’m an accomplished Copywriter, a debut author, and a sought-after speaker and workshop facilitator. You can learn more about me here.

I’ve developed this course mainly because I love writing and teaching. But there’s another reason too:

Did you know that two-thirds of the content you consume is written by men? The news stories, the blogs, the advertisements, the films and television shows, the textbooks that our daughters learn from in school… They’re almost all written from a male perspective.

Even though women are statistically the heaviest consumers of media, we rarely engage with messages that are written by female writers.

It’s my belief that we need to correct this balance. The world needs more female voices. The world NEEDS more female writers.

That pull you’ve been feeling? The one deep inside your heart that’s urging you write? That whisper that sometimes sounds more like a growl?

There’s a reason for it.

Your writing has a purpose. The world needs your voice now more than ever.

The Future is Freelance will teach you everything you need to know to begin the freelance writing career of your dreams.

Brands need content.

In the last decade, the amount of information on the web has EXPLODED. Brands are connecting daily with consumers through blogs, videos, social media, email newsletters, and evolving website content. Guess what? They don’t write that stuff themselves! It’s writers like you and me who are crafting the vast majority of that work.

There’s an insatiable hunger for content right now that has created the perfect conditions for writers to FINALLY make a steady living doing what they love. Copywriting (writing for advertising and marketing) and content writing (writing the informational content that brands push out daily) are the perfect way for writers to get paid on the regular.

Want to know something weird? During the COVID-19 pandemic, writers are more in demand than ever. Many agencies have downsized their full-time staff, but still have a need for skilled writers. Freelancers are filling those gaps as we speak. So ironically, this global economic crisis has actually benefited the business of writing.

I guess there’s always a silver lining somewhere.

Imagine being paid to write

Imagine working from home, making great money, and getting to choose the clients you want to work with. Imagine the satisfaction of watching your business grow almost like magic, as your clients refer YOU to more opportunities.

The Future is Freelance will help get you there.


About Me

For the last 15 years, brands across the industry spectrum have hired me to communicate their messages to the marketplace. I’ve written for massive publicly traded companies, brand new one-person startups and everything in between. I’ve grown my writing business from ground zero to a profitable, steady income flow that continues to expand daily from repeat and referral business. In short, I’ve learned how to win new business, and keep clients coming back for more.

In recent years I’ve had the absolute privilege of sharing what I’ve learned in hands-on workshops. The Future is Freelance is the first time I’ve offered this curriculum online, and I’m so excited to start teaching in this new medium.

All Facts. No Fluff. How it works


Unlike other Copywriting courses, The Future is Freelance won’t bog you down with overwhelming technical information you don’t actually need. Perhaps most importantly, I’ll help you overcome the self-doubt that prevents so many of us from taking action. After completing the four modules, you’ll walk away feeling empowered, capable, and confident in your ability to approach prospective clients and secure your first few projects with ease and grace.

Every week for 4 weeks, you’ll receive a video presentation and a workbook. From there, you can work at your own pace, completing the mini-assignments according to your own schedule. Video modules belong to you forever and can be watched or re-watched at any time. Do you need to save this work for evenings once the kids are asleep? No problem! Access material when you need, from where you need. No strings attached.

The Four Modules

Week 1: The Basics
- How I got started
- Basics of the industry
- How agencies work
- Who are the best clients?

Week 2: Getting Started
- Building a website portfolio
- Your first project
- How to find prospective clients
- How to successfully pitch and win

Week 3: Key Skills
- What is expected of you?
- Boundaries with clients
- How to effectively research
- Best practices for various mediums
- Writing process: Drafting, editing, being edited

Week 4: Getting Paid
- Billing and invoicing practices
- How to secure repeat/referral business
- Troubleshooting with payments
- Mindset practices to turbocharge results


Do I need a formal education to be a Copywriter?

NO! No, you don’t. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature. Is that helpful? Only because I’ve read enough to know what good writing sounds like. In my entire freelance career, I have LITERALLY NEVER had a client ask me about my formal education, or even ask to see a resume! All that clients care about is your skill, which you prove through your portfolio.

How quickly can I start working once I finish the course?

This fact is up to you! While I’m teaching you the info you need to start working as a freelance writer, securing new business will be your job. And the speed at which you do so will be determined by two factors: 1) Hustle level and 2) Mindset. We’ll cover both of those factors in The Future is Freelance.

How much money can I make as a freelance Copywriter?

This depends on how much work you take on, the amount you bill per hour, and the types of clients you work with. Certain clients have larger budgets than others. Certain Copywriters bill more than others. To give you an idea: When I started out, I was billing $50/hour, and was generally paid 5 - 6 hours per blog post I wrote. I could write several blog posts a day. Since then, I’ve raised my rates substantially.

How much will we interact with you in the course?

There are three tiers of involvement available, to make sure that I’m in alignment with your comfort level. There are more details below, but in general all levels include access to me for quick questions and troubleshooting on a members-only Facebook page. Only the Pro Level tier has one-on-one specific feedback from me about your writing.


Life is short, and I believe that you deserve to be living the life of your dreams. Take a step out of your comfort zone, and into a brave new world.




Tier 1: Basic

Students in the Basic tier have access to the following:
- Self-serve curriculum
- 4 video teachings
- 4 workbooks
- Members-only Facebook Group
- Questions answered on FB
- *Canadian Dollars


Tier 2: Intermediate

Students in the Intermediate tier have access to the following:
- Self-serve curriculum
- 4 video teachings
- 4 workbooks
- Members-only Facebook Group
- Questions answered on FB
- Invoice template
- 1 pitch email template
- *Canadian Dollars


Tier 3: Pro

Students in the Pro tier have access to the following:
- Self-serve curriculum
- 4 video teachings
- 4 workbooks
- Members-only Facebook Group
- Questions answered on FB
- Invoice template
- 3 pitch email templates (agency, direct client, and follow-up)
- One-on-One assignment and grading, editing, and feedback with me directly
- *Canadian Dollars

Join me!! It’s going to be a BLAST.

Are you ready to do this TOGETHER? Click the button below to access the store and sign up.