Here’s Why You’re Not in Flow

To view the original post, visit me on Instagram.

This year, I set the intention to turn up the volume on my intuition.


Part B of this intention was to silence any noise that’s been drowning out my inner guidance system.


In meditating on this intention, a little nugget of wisdom arrived:


The biggest thing that’s been overriding my intuition is my tendency to think at least 3 steps ahead, all the time.


I’ll receive an intuitive nudge and dismiss it because, through my “future payoff” lens, I can’t see how it will bring me to where I want to go.


I assume that it’s “not a good enough reason” to do something JUST BECAUSE IT FEELS GOOD.


So I water the idea down. Think of a way that I can fit the square peg through the round hole.


And then wonder why I constantly feel like I’m swimming against the tide.


Here’s the thing:


It’s impossible to live in flow state if you’re never living in the present moment.


This is completely antithetical to everything we’ve been taught, which is: Think ahead, make “smart” choices, “how can you make money from that?” and on and on.


To live in flow is to surrender control of the future.


It doesn’t sound “smart”, does it? In fact, it sounds kind of scary.


But I’ve officially reached the edge of my ability to care what the culture thinks of my life. I’m ready for more:


- Ease

- Flow

- Peace

- Acceptance


Does this resonate with you? Do you find you’re always thinking ahead?


What magic might we create if we finally choose to listen to the present moment instead?


The Worst Thing to Say to a Cautious Personality